
Our Services

We are mainly known for helping clients manage their claims. This can include a range of specific services, including:

What we offer

We also work with clients to develop bespoke services for their needs. These vary depending on the client, and in the past we’ve been able to provide:

1. Access to our claims management system

2. Regular newsletters and mailshots with updates on traffic law

3. Claims handling training – from basic introductory sessions to complex personal injury cases that focus on specific jurisdictions, by our staff and network partners

4. Shadowing opportunities – this allows clients to review the claims process from the perspective of our team

Get in touch

If you need help managing your claims, or would like to ask about a specific or bespoke service, get in touch today.

Call +44 (0) 207 430 0807 or e-mail: information@coris-uk.co.uk